Monday, April 16, 2012

First Post!

First post, trying this out and seeing how I enjoy it (:
Today was a very lovely day indeed, although I'm terribly exhausted now. I spent the whole day outside, it was almost 80 degrees out! Walked in the city for a little bit, got a smoothie with my lovely friend Becca. It was the most delicious smoothie ever created. 

The LizaBerry!
Strawberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, and a Banana. It seriously is my new addiction!
I also started dieting today which is even more exciting! I'm ready to be in shape and be healthy for good this time around. I started a food journal and everything! I'm actually really proud of myself this time because I know how serious I am for this!!

Lunch!! Which was so goood.

And I seriously think this has become a new obsession for me. Honestly, I suggest anyone who loves spicy food to give this a try (: